
“Firstly, I felt a sense of relief. I’m happy to have one less burden to worry about and to put an end to the collection calls and this debt showing up on my credit. I had gone in for a routine exam. Insurance only covered a part of it and because I hadn’t fully paid into my deductible, the bills started coming in. I think that debt can be a form of bondage- it is not something anyone should have to struggle with. All of this was created by humans and can be changed by humans.
There are impediments out there driving people to owe more money than they can pay with their means. And in these moments, people must pivot, juggle, and borrow. People are accepting the status quo and the ramifications of it, but they can step into their power and reform this system.
Alternative testimony: Medical debt is one of those things people worry about but end up putting on the back burner due to other priorities in life, such as bills, mortgages, car payments, and other life expenses. I am one of the people who have had to do so time and time again, even knowing the damage it would eventually do to my credit.
I most definitely was not expecting to receive a letter telling me that part of my medical debt has been paid off and it is a huge relief to know there’s one less unpaid bill floating around out there in my name. I am beyond grateful and will do my best to pay it forward as soon as possible!
Thank you so much for this extremely pleasant, unexpected surprise! I honestly never heard of Undue Medical Debt before today, but I am very glad your nonprofit exists. It is wonderful to know there are still people out there dedicated to helping humanity in the ways that really matter.”

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