
  • Christopher

    According to a recent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) report, four in ten Americans say they are more afraid of medical debt than of serious illness. Through the first-hand accounts from beneficiaries, we continue to see how medical…

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  • Anonymous

    “Thank you so much for paying this debt. I have a bunch of medical debt, one of which my check is being garnished for and another I’m having to go to court over. I think it is sad…

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  • Christopher

    “I received numerous letters in the mail saying that your charity, and the people involved paid almost [19, 000] dollars of medical debt for me. I’ve been trying to pay this for a few years now through plans…

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  • M.

    “This gift was such a tremendous blessing to me in more ways than the debt relief itself. I have never in my life gotten anything that says, “total debt: $7,809.00….balance: ABOLISHED”. At first glance, I thought it was…

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  • Allison

    “I was shocked to receive such and amazing gift! This debt has been with me for several years and I have been unable to pay it. Thank you for such a kindness!”

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