
  • Raymond

    “Thank you for settling my debt. It brought tears to my eyes knowing there are still people out there who care and pay it forward to help others in need. I feel very blessed and humbled.”

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  • Assunta

    “This was such a pleasant surprise, and an answer to my prayers. I am thrilled beyond measure at this gift. I feel blessed that you felt I deserved this gift and cannot thank you enough.”

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  • Anonymous

    “Thank you so much. I received this letter during troubling times right before my birthday. God bless you.”

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  • Christie

    “I am a full time rehab counselor. My husband is a retired union laborer who is disabled so cant work. We have 3 adult children and 2 grandsons. I also help care for 2 elderly parents . All…

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  • Anonymous

    “Thank you to everyone that had anything to do with taking care of this bill. It is a blessing and a relief to know that it’s not hanging over my head. I had never ever heard of this…

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  • Virginia

    “Thank you so much to Undue Medical Debt and my benefactor(s). I am ever so grateful for any help given to me with my medical debt. I have Multiple Sclerosis and Congestive Heart Failure so I have many…

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  • Cece

    “I wanted to say thank you very much it been .hard time for me paying my bills and paying extra bills right I’m fix income and my beautiful daughter is ok and she .wanted thank you payment my…

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